Elementor Seo

Elementor seo title

  • Hello,
    I am using Elementor + Astra (free) and Yoast SEO.
    I am trying to work with SEO settings, key phrases, etc., but it is not possible through Elementor, and only show on the WordPress Edit screen. Therefore, when a word needs changing, or the meta description aligned with text, or a link changed – one needs to jump back and forth between the screens. This is a colossal waste of time.
    Is it possible to make a tab for these tweaks in the Elementor page editor and save us this impossible task?
    Also, the SEO doesn’t recognize the first title on the page as page title, and the page title is not editable, so many hide it. This affects SEO scores.
    Thank you,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


In fact, I maintain a client’s site that actively uses Elementor Pro–so I should be the first to know 🙂 TSF’s “boosting” of SEO is limited to meta tag enhancements based on WordPress queries. Since Elementor doesn’t modify the query (their output is stored as regular posts), TSF can do its job just fine. SEO Settings & Optimization Natively Built-into Elementor Once installed, Rank Math improves the experience in a non-obtrusive way that makes an SEO settings tab available when working with Elementor posts and pages.

Elementor Seo Plugin

  • I’m sorry but you’ll need to get in touch with Yoast support, as this would be something they would need to solve for you on their end.

    Do you mean you want to see the Yoast fields that are displayed in the WordPress editor within the Elementor editor?

    If so, sorry for my misunderstanding. The developers appreciate ideas for improvement, so if you like, you can submit a Feature Request on Github, which is where they take feature requests. You can submit them at https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/new/choose which gives you the opportunity to follow the discussion about ideas you submit, and track development progress of any that get implemented. You can learn more about how to submit requests at https://github.com/elementor/elementor/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md

    Hi Vera,

    Elementor and Yoast SEO are two different things.
    Elementor is for building and creating pages, Yoast SEO to give you the option to easely configure your SEO settings per page.

    So if you want to work on SEO per page, you need to be in the default WordPress editor, because that is where the Yoast SEO plugin adds his SEO settings.

    This can not be added into a pagebuilder, because, for starters, Yoast SEO plugin does not know IF and WHAT pagebuilder one would use.

    Hope this helps understand it a bit better?

    FYI, a request has been logged on Elementor’s github to figure out how to do this: https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/7130. It would be nice if everyone asking for the functionality added their voice on github and ALSO asked Yoast to work with Elementor to figure this out.


    I did not ask Yoast to add it to Elementor – but Elementor

    As they are two different plugins/authors, Elementor can not do this, Yoast will need to agree and change things in his plugin to make this work. I do not see Yoast making those changes, because it will need to adapt to multiple pagebuilders, Not everyone uses Elementor…

    But Eementor may work with Yoast and all other serious SEO plugins to create a tab for them. Just as there is a Elementor widget to style Caldera form, for example.

    There is no “Elementor widget” for Caldera form. It is a Caldera widget ( made by Caldera ) and it only shows up under the “WordPress Elements” if you look closely, not under the “Elementor elements”! Yoast has no “WordPress widget” for his tabs, but has integrated it per page, which makes sense.

    Although I agree it would be nice if it could be handled right in the Elementor panel, I do not feel this is “torture” or “impossible” to work with. I am doing SEO for many years + pagebuilders and works just fine to be honest.

    If you learn the basics of best SEO practices, you will not need to go back and forth every second, just write text as discribed as best SEO practices and fine tune if neccessary with the SEO tabs later.

    So if Elementor can pull this off, more power to them, but I am afraid it will not happen soon…

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by .
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by .

    The control to display readibility issues is simply not working in the Elementor editor

    Agreed, that is nor working with Elementor.
    However, when you follow the Yoast tip tools about that topic, you can learn to write text that is ok for readabilitly out of the box too.

    Again it would be cool to have it integrated, not sure if that is possible or something they will want to do if it is…

    There is indeed a widget for caldera forms styling in Elementor, by Essential Addons for Elementor.

    Essential addons is not Elementor.It is a third party plugin author https://wpdeveloper.net/.

    Me expressing how I feel is arrogant, yet when you use words like “impossible to work with, colossal waste of time, torture” it is “highly relevant”. Interesting…

    I am not an Elementor developer, just a user like you and so many others, so I hope they will do what you hope for!

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by .
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by .


    For EVERYONE is today supposed to work with SEO, no? So this impossible situation is felt acutely by… EVERYONE who has Yoast or any other SEO Plugin.

    You claim that “everyone” feels the same way as you do about this.
    Please do not speak for everyone ( that includes me ) and then get offended if some of us, dare to say we dont feel that way and try to help you by telling how it might get easier.

    Yes, your expressing how YOU feel within MY complaint is arrogant.

    I will no longer “intrude” your topic/complaint and wish you all the best.


Elementor Seo Tools


Elementor Seo Friendly

  • Hi team,

    I’m really interested in TSF and if it’s what I need I won’t hesitate to purchase it.

    So I’m developing a few WordPress sites using the JNews Theme (link if you’re interested: https://themeforest.net/item/jnews-one-stop-solution-for-web-publishing/20566392 ).

    This theme uses Elementor as the page builder. Now, I also wanted to write posts and articles with Elementor. But I’m not sure if this scenario is a compatible with your plugin! Can you please give me more insight on this? How would I write a post using Elementor (and all the crazy things it allows to create) and then “boost” its SEO using your plugin?

    I’m afraid that Elementor will not produce state of the art HTML and that Google won’t “understand” it for SEO purposes, thus not ranking the article as much as they can. I’m also afraid (since posts created with Elementor would not technically be normal WordPress posts, I guess?) that your plugin won’t be able to process Elementor posts correctly or as efficiently as if they were a normal WordPress post.

    Can you please clarify things for me? And then maybe suggest the best approach in my situation to write SEO-optimized articles?

    Thanks a lot.

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